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Power control in lighting systems

Hits:Updated:2019-11-07 13:11:57【Print】

In recent years, people have paid more and more attention to the control of light control, and they have been able to adopt energy-efficient lighting systems in the indoor and outdoor feet. When we are stable in the new century, we are in commercial buildings. It is an indisputable fact that the main problem facing designers, real estate developers and owners is energy efficiency. The efficient use of energy has been a recurring topic in the past 20 years, but when we are involved in this topic today, it may be more theoretical than before shaking. More realistic energy management is a matter of concern to investors. And not just awakening their social conscience, shaking, and improving energy efficiency must provide favorable returns for investors' investment. Rational use of off-the-shelf natural light, compensation for lumens attenuation, compensation for space design, reduction of air-conditioning waste is to save money The method of a stepless continuous lighting control system has a range of 2 to 5 wrists, typically 3 emblems. Natural light is not absolutely necessary for indoor power saving. The lighting control system can't interfere with the user. That is to say, a successful control system should be a sensorless system for the user. The control system can be used in the newly installed lighting facilities. It can also be used for the rational design and operation of the transformation project. It is beneficial for the power-saving lighting control system to be connected with the building control system. Experience shows that the simpler the system, the easier it is to operate, and the more reliable it is, the more reliable it is from Einstein lighting control and Energy management, high-intensity discharge lamp 11 dimming, using standard ballasts and starter lights, this new technology can save energy in most lighting systems.


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